Kelowna & District
Fish and Game Club

Range Hours:
M-F: 9:00 am to Dusk
Weekends: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Office Hours:
Tues & Thurs: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

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  • Handgun Level 2 Intermediate - Holster -

Handgun Level 2 Intermediate - Holster -

  • 11 May 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Hall/Indoor Range
  • 4


Registration is closed


Indoor Range Sunday  1000-1600 hrs 

Trainees are required to bring their own firearms, ammunition and required equipment, including pistol belt, magazine pouches and rigid holster.


This 6-hour, live-fire certificate course is designed for shooters with a good knowledge of the fundamentals of marksmanship, and would like to take their skill set to the next level.  This is not a class for the novice shooter; Handgun Level I (or equivalent) is required.  This course will give you the fundamental skills required to safely draw from a holster, engage targets from various distances and positions, exchange magazines or speedloaders, shoot from behind a barricade, and clear malfunctions on your firearm. Successfully completing this course will provide your temporary “Blue Badge”, which will allow you to participate in PPC / KDFGC 1500 training and evaluation. Class size is limited to 8 candidates to ensure a high level of individual attention.


The following will be instructed and evaluated on this course:

·         ·         Firearm Safety, skills, knowledge, and attitude

·         ·         Dynamic firing line range commands

·         ·         Proper presentation of the firearm

·         ·         Learning the concept of the four-point draw

·         ·         Marksmanship

·         ·         Two hand firing Weaver or isosceles positions

·         ·         Firearm Reloading Techniques and magazine exchanges

·         ·         Malfunction Clearance Drills (Class 1 and 2)

·         ·         Varied Shooting Positions (Standing, kneeling, seated, prone)

·         ·         Timed relays


·         ·         A valid Restricted PAL, which MUST be brought to the course for viewing and verification by the instructor prior to commencing training.

·         ·         Completion of the KDFGC Handgun Level I – Basic, or similar professional training and qualification. Consult with the Range Manager or Instructor if you have documentation in this regard prior to registering for the course.

·         ·         No health issues which would interfere with the safe and unimpeded use of a strong side belt holster and support side magazine holder. Must be able to use a two-hand grip, move between standing, kneeling, seated and prone positions comfortably, while maintaining full control of the firearm. Must be able to safely participate in moderate physical activity and movement. You must contact us for a pre-course evaluation if this may represent an issue requiring accommodation.

·         ·         Pre-read and understand the information contained in the Canadian Firearms Safety Course Manual, pages 215 to 326, (Restricted Firearms modules), along with a review of the owner’s manual for your handgun. This will ensure you are attending with the appropriate level of theoretical knowledge to be successful on the course. Electronic copies of the CFSC manual and most owner’s manuals are available for free online.

Based on your pre-study of the CFSC manual and owner’s manual, you should commence the course with a strong level of knowledge of how your handgun functions, to include:

·         ·         Safety first! ACTS and PROVE in relation to your firearm.

·         ·         The parts and names of parts on your firearm.

·         ·         All controls on the firearm (Safety, de-cock, magazine release, cylinder release, slide catch, etc.)

·         ·         Be able to lock the slide to the rear while maintaining muzzle and trigger finger control.

·         ·         Be able to disassemble, reassemble and function check.

All above will be reviewed and tested as part of the course.


·         ·         A modern-design handgun (pistol or double action revolver) in excellent operating condition. Single action (cowboy-style) revolvers and magnum calibers are NOT permitted.

·         ·         Two or more cartridge magazines or revolver speed loaders

·         ·         Belt mounted magazine/speed-loader holders.

·         ·         A well-constructed, good quality strong side holster, made of rigid leather/nylon with a covered trigger and a retention device (firearm cannot fall out if inverted in holster). Absolutely no cross-draw, shoulder, inside the waistband, flap, soft, or concealment holsters. The holster must be designed for your make and model of firearm.

·         ·         Note: KDFGC has prohibited the use of Blackhawk Serpa holsters and their variants that unlock in the same manner (using the trigger finger to release the firearm above the trigger guard).

·         ·         A sturdy belt which supports the holster and magazine holders firmly and with minimal movement, ideally attached to an inner belt with keepers or Velcro.

·         ·         A cleaning kit (which contains a rigid rod) which is appropriate for your handgun and caliber.

·         ·         A sturdy locking case and trigger or cable lock.

·         ·         All required paperwork to legally transport your restricted firearm (registration certificate, Authorization to Transport or RPAL indicating transportation conditions permitted).


·         ·         Minimum 200 rounds of quality manufactured ammunition. No magnum or +P ammunition is permitted.


·         ·         This is a professional firearms instructional environment. No rude or inflammatory logos, political statements, excessively tactical clothing, etc. Respectful interaction with the instructor and other candidates is mandatory.

·         ·         Protective or prescription glasses.

·         ·         Ball cap.

·         ·         Hearing protection (Electronic external muffs preferred)

·         ·         Closed toe shoes or boots with grip suitable for range floor.

·         ·         Shirt which fits tightly at collar, waist and cuffs.

·         ·         Long pants (cargo or hiking style is perfect) with room for movement.

·         ·         An extra layer for warmth. Training occurs on an indoor range with constant ventilation and can be cool.

·         ·         Pen and notebook for notes and marking the exams

·         ·         Any medications you require (Ventolin, epi pen, etc.).


·         ·         You must bring hydration, snacks and lunch (We do not leave the range due to time constraints. Food for purchase is not available on site)


·         ·         Before the first class, complete your review of the CFSC Manual restricted firearms sections and your owner’s manual.


·         ·         Training Day is 10:00 to approximately 16:00 with a half hour lunch from 12:00 to 12:30. Please plan extra time to arrive early as the class starts at 10:00 sharp.


·         ·         Successful graduates will receive a professional certificate and course report at the conclusion of the course.

·         ·         Successful graduates will receive authorization to participate in supervised KDFGC WA1500/PPC training

·         Require minimum of 4 participants to run course.

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