Kelowna & District
Fish and Game Club

Range Hours:
M-F: 9:00 am to Dusk
Weekends: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Office Hours:
Tues & Thurs: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

  • Home
  • Kelowna Oct 2024 Invitational 1500 Match

Kelowna Oct 2024 Invitational 1500 Match

  • 27 Oct 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • UIT Range
  • 9


Registration is closed


K D F G C   1 5 0 0



SANCTIONED BY:        the C.P.C.A.  -  “Approved Tournament”

SPONSORED BY:         KDFGC 1500  (a sub-club of the KDFGC)

DATES:                         Sunday -   April 28, 2024        9:00 am  to  5:00 pm

                                    Sunday -   May 26, 2024         9:00 am  to  5:00 pm

                                    Sunday -   June 23, 2024         9:00 am  to  5:00 pm

                                    Sunday -   July 28 2024           9:00 am  to  5:00 pm

                                    Sunday -   Aug. 25, 2024         9:00 am  to  5:00 pm

                                    Sunday -   Sept. 22, 2024        9:00 am  to  5:00 pm

                                    Sunday -   Oct. 27, 2024         9:00 am  to  5:00 pm


Dennis Krause, Match Director & Registrar.  If you have any questions please contact Dennis direct at – E-Mail:   - OR -  Phone:  (250) 763-2677


4041 Casorso Rd.,   Kelowna, B.C.


More specific directions to get to the KDFGC 1500 Range within the larger KDFGC property will be supplied by e-mail to those on request from Match Director  [ ] after pre-registering for the Tournament.


These Tournaments are open to KDFGC 1500 trained / qualified shooters, as well as guest PPC shooters with similar experience.  All competitors must be current 2024 members of the Canadian Police Combat Association.  (C.P.C.A. Memberships  will not  be available for purchase at the Range on Tournament Day)  Please purchase direct from C.P.C.A. well in advance of the Tournament.  All competitors must produce their valid CPCA Membership Card at the Match Sign-In / Registration Desk  - OR -  provide evidence of having recently applied for & paying for same.


The Kelowna & District Fish & Game Club requires all guests to sign a Liability Waiver prior to competing.  A copy of same will be supplied, on request, to anyone prior to registering or after if that is their wish.  Or – can be reviewed & signed at the registration desk.


Each Tournament will offer a series of 1500 PPC’s (Revolver, Semi-Auto Pistol  and  Optical (either Rev. or S/A).  Competitors can select two 1500’s.  Additional matches may be added which could range from Distinguished Revolver or Semi-Auto, Snub Nose and / or Duty Pistol.  These extra matches are fun / practice matches only, and while they will follow the CPCA courses of fire, they are not CPCA “approved” and not eligible for any CPCA award programs or for classification purposes.  These add on matches will be at the discretion of the Match Director – with input from the shooters & range time availability.


Pre-Registration Only  -  in advance by online application  via the KDFGC Website – Events Calendar (date tab).  Application & Payment function are found there.  The online registration portal will become live approx. two weeks prior to each Tournament.  Registration Deadline is Wednesday prior to each Tournament at 8:00 pm.    Register Early  as we have a maximum number of shooters that can be accommodated due to Club restrictions on our Tournament size.

Instructions - Go To    Scroll down to Events, Locate Match Date on the Calendar,  Click on Match  -  that will take you to Registration / Event Information Details,  Click on Register  -  takes you to Email Input Page  - complete  -  then Click on Next,  takes you to the full registration page – requires all fields to be completed  - Click on Next – will take you to the Payment Screen where you have the Match Selection  - pick one -  (whichever will be your “first” 1500 Match and continue to the method of payment – ie:  VISA, Mastercard, American Express or VISA Debit  (only VISA Debit will work).   Complete & Pay.


Anyone having difficulties navigating the online registration process, please contact the Match Registrar as noted above.


One match fee of $25.00 will be inclusive of all costs.  That includes CPCA Match Fee, KDFGC Admin Range User Fee, and targets for all matches shot.


This is an unsquaded individual match.  Competitors will be assigned a relay and target position by the Match Registrar.  Prior e-mail communication with the Match Registrar may be required to capture the competitors wishes concerning the second 1500 PPC match if intended to be fired.  Our online system may, or may not, be able to capture that info.   Please Register Early !!!!


All PPC 1500’s will be fired first.  Following same, the unofficial fun matches – all shooting needs to be completed – by 5:00 p.m.   There will be a need to quickly move between relays.


There will be no time available to leave the range for lunch (unless you are finished your shooting).  We will have a short break (cease fire) around noon for all to take a lunch break.  Shooters need to bring a lunch, snacks, and most definitely refreshments to stay hydrated.  No vending machines on site.


All kinds of weather is to be expected.  June – Sept. matches will more than likely be hot, with afternoon temperatures potentially being in the mid – to – high 30 degrees Celcius.  Bring appropriate clothing, hats, etc.  [ and refreshments ].


A uni-sex porta-potty is available on the range.


The competition will take place on the KDFGC 1500 RANGE.  The range is a North facing ( 9 position ) 50 yd range, with Overhead Baffles (the baffles do not interfere with the shooting positions).  The targets are stationary with the shooter moving to the required distances from the targets.  All firing lines are open to the weather, come prepared.  A spacious equipment preparation area is available to the rear of the range.  It is covered & is usually many degrees cooler than out on the firing line.


Current C.P.C.A. Rules shall govern this competition.   See the CPCA website:


After the Cease Fire command, the competitor shall present the revolver or semi-automatic pistol to the Line Officer for inspection.   The revolver shall be presented with the cylinder open, the pistol shall be presented with the slide locked to the rear & the magazine shall have been removed and held in the other hand.  Only on Command of the Line Officer shall the competitor empty & close the revolver cylinder or release the pistol slide and holster.


All Courses of Fire are per C.P.C.A. Rules.


Matches 1 thru 5 of all 1500’s will be shot consecutively, with target scoring being done on the line between Matches.


At  8:15 a.m. on Match Day for Match Sign-In.  There is a requirement that all shooters assist with range set up / tear down, and to assist with various match / range duties when called upon.


 On the Wednesday of match week at 8:00 p.m., via the KDFGC Website’s Online System.


12 Competitors


9:00 a.m. on the Tournament Date.


CPCA Classifications will be used.  Those without a current Classification will shoot as an Unclassified Competitor and in the Grand Master Class for the duration of the Tournament.   At the conclusion of the Tournament, for those shooting as Unclassified, the Match Referee (when requested) will issue a Temporary Classification Card based on score(s) shot.


WA 1500 Full Size Targets, Centres & Patches will be used with replacement at the discretion of the Match Director.  All 1500 Matches are shot on 6 Targets, which could include Centres.


Competitors will score the targets of the shooter on their right, the shooter on the far right end will score the target of the shooter on the left end.  The scoring will be done on the Line after each Match.  Scoring will be in accordance with C.P.C.A. rules.  A competitor may use a scoring overlay or magnifier for scoring a target.  A scoring plug  may not  be used by a competitor.


The Official Match Referee, once a competitor has initiated a scoring challenge, may at their discretion use a scoring plug to determine the shot value of a challenged round.


A challenge fee of $ 2.00 per round will be charged to a competitor initiating a challenge.  The challenge procedure will follow the method outlined in the CPCA Rules.


There are no prizes or awards given out at this event.


Match results will be forwarded to C.P.C.A. for statistical & classification purposes.  They will be posted on the CPCA website.   If a competitor is also a current member of the WA 1500 PPC, their scores will also be reported and posted in a similar fashion.


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