Kelowna & District
Fish and Game Club

Range Hours:
M-F: 9:00 am to Dusk
Weekends: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Office Hours:
Tues & Thurs: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

  • Home
  • Outdoor/Gun Show

Outdoor/Gun Show

  • 24 Aug 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Main Hall



1. The Show Committee reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept or reject any application. The Show Committee also reserves the right to request removal of an exhibitor who is disrespectful in any way to anyone.

2. All Vendors will conduct themselves in a professional and safe manner at all times.

3. All Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws must be followed.

**All persons acquiring firearms and/or ammunition must be in possession of a valid PAL.**Vender SHALL verify prior to every sale!**

4. All firearms must have bolt removed or a locking device installed.

Confirm that all firearms are unloaded, locked & secured at all times.

Let no one handle a firearm in an unsafe manner.

No ammunition is to be loaded into a firearm for any reason!

5. Black powder is not permitted on the premises. Smokeless powder must be in factory containers.

6.  All firearm sales must have a written receipt that you provide showing the description, make, model and serial number (if available).

**No one will be allowed to leave the premises with firearms and/or ammunition unless accompanied by a written receipt.**

7. Vendors will not alter the floor plan or table layout. Display items must not encroach on walkways.

8. Vendors and their assistants must wear & clearly display name tags at all times.

9. The Vendor must remain at the table(s) for the duration of the show. Vendors who leave before 4pm, without permission of the Committee, will be banned from future shows.

10. Tables are ONLY transferable, with Show Committee permission.

11. No Pets Allowed.  Service Animals Exempt.

12. The use of these facilities, including but not limited to loading and unloading your vehicle, is done at your own risk. Neither the Show Committee, nor KDFGC, are liable to any Vendor for any damage what-so-ever, including but not limited to damage to a vehicle or any part or attachment to it. The driver and/or owner of any vehicle and the Vendor are jointly liable for any Personal Injury, damage to the building, or any other damage whatsoever.

13. If the Vendor must cancel their participation in the show, they are required to notify the Show Committee as soon as possible. Refunds are ONLY available for cancellations requested more than 14 days prior to the show. Vendors who fail to attend the Show without notice may be banned from participating in future shows.

14.  Applications & payments to be received by 03 Aug 2025.  Payments can be made by:

1. the KDFGC Website with online application;

2. cash, credit card or cheque in person at KDFGC office; or

3. contact office to pay by credit card to complete online application.

15. Vendors will be permitted to set-up their tables at 6:30 on day of event.

Contact Person: Rudy Litz 250-860-8929

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